What Are You Reading Now: Oliver Oliveros

“The Lion King: Pride Rock on Broadway” chronicles the creative development and technological process, including some of the mishaps along the way, that went into the film-to-stage adaptation of one of Disney’s most prominent titles: “The Lion King.”

What Are You Reading Now: Cecille Francisco

“Word by Word” is about how dictionaries are made, a process that sounds simple but is actually complicated, and sometimes controversial. Why are some words included in the dictionary and others not, who defines those words, and how are those definitions made.

What Are You Reading Now: Hope Swann

False Value is the recent Rivers of London novel, a British urban fantasy series with a lovely, strong voice. It’s a police procedural, but with magic. The cases are always interesting, and Aaronovitch really fleshes his worlds out.

What Are You Reading Now: Ganns Deen

This book is the poignant story of several girls who sought to gain justice for themselves and others who poisoned by the paint. It’s a gripping story of heartbreak, corruption, and personal triumph in one of the biggest scandals and battles for workers’ rights in 20th century America.